What is an execution
An execution plan, is the result of
the query optimizer's attempt to calculate the most efficient way to implement the
request represented by the T-SQL query you submitted.
Execution plans can tell you how a query will
be executed, or how a query was executed. They are, therefore, the DBA's
primary means of troubleshooting a poorly performing query. Rather than guess
at why a given query is performing thousands of scans, putting your I/O through
the roof, you can use the execution plan to identify the exact piece of SQL
code that is causing the problem. For example, it may be scanning an entire
table-worth of data when, with the proper index, it could simply backpack out
only the rows you need. All this and more is displayed in the execution plan.
The aim of this chapter is to enable you to
capture actual and estimated execution plans, in either graphical, text or XML
format, and to understand the basics of how to interpret them. In order to do
this, we'll cover the following topics:
A brief backgrounder on the query optimizer – execution plans are a result of the
optimizer's calculations so it's useful to know at least a little bit about
what the optimizer does, and how it works
Actual and Estimated execution plans – what they are and how they differ
Capturing and interpreting the different visual execution plan
formats – we'll investigate
graphical, text and XML execution plans for a very basic SELECT query
Automating execution plan capture – using the SQL Server Profiler tool
What Happens When a Query is Submitted?
When you submit a query to a SQL Server
database, a number of processes on the server go to work on that query. The
purpose of all these processes is to manage the system such that it will
provide your data back to you, or store it, in as timely a manner as possible,
whilst maintaining the integrity of the data.
These processes are run for each and every
query submitted to the system. While there are lots of different actions
occurring simultaneously within SQL Server, we're going to focus on the
processes around T-SQL. They break down roughly into two stages:
1.Processes that occur in the relational engine
2.Processes that occur in the storage engine.
In the relational engine the query is parsed
and then processed by the Query Optimizer , which generates an execution plan.
The plan is sent (in a binary format) to the storage engine, which it then uses
to retrieve or update the underlying data. The storage engine is where
processes such as locking, index maintenance and transactions occur. Since execution plans are created in the relational engine, that's
where we'll be focusing our attention.
Query Parsing
When you pass a T-SQL query to the SQL Server
system, the first place it goes to is the relational engine. [1]
As the T-SQL arrives, it passes through a
process that checks that the T-SQL is written correctly, that it's well formed.
This process is known as query parsing. The output of the Parser process is a parse tree, or query tree (or
even sequence tree). The parse tree represents the logical steps necessary to
execute the query that has been requested.
If the T-SQL string is not a data manipulation
language (DML) statement, it will be not be optimized because, for example,
there is only one "right way" for the SQL Server system to create a
table; therefore, there are no opportunities for improving the performance of
that type of statement. If the T-SQL string is a DML statement, the parse tree
is passed to a process called the algebrizer. The algebrizer resolves all the names of the various objects,
tables and columns, referred to within the query string. The algebrizer
identifies, at the individual column level, all the types (varchar(50) versus nvarchar(25) and so on) of the objects being accessed. It also determines
the location of aggregates (such as GROUP BY, and MAX) within the query, a
process called aggregate binding. This algebrizer process is important
because the query may have aliases or synonyms, names that don't exist in the
database, that need to be resolved, or the query may refer to objects not in
the database.
The algebrizer outputs a binary called the query processor tree, which is then passed on to the query optimizer.
The Query Optimizer
The query optimizer is essentially a piece of
software that "models" the way in which the database relational
engine works. Using the query processor tree and the statistics it has about the data, and applying the
model, it works out what it thinks will be the optimal way to execute the query
– that is, it generates an execution plan.
In other words, the optimizer figures out how
best to implement the request represented by the T-SQL query you submitted. It
decides if the data can be accessed through indexes, what types of joins to use
and much more. The decisions made by the optimizer are based on what it
calculates to be the cost of a given execution plan, in terms of the required
CPU processing and I/O, and how fast it will execute. Hence, this is known as a
cost-based plan.
The optimizer will generate and evaluate many
plans (unless there is already a cached plan) and, generally speaking, will
choose the lowest-cost plan i.e. the plan it thinks will execute the query as
fast as possible and use the least amount of resources, CPU and I/O. The
calculation of the execution speed is the most important calculation and the
optimizer will use a process that is more CPU-intensive if it will return
results that much faster. Sometimes, the optimizer will select a less efficient
plan if it thinks it will take more time to evaluate many plans than to run a
less efficient plan.
If you submit a very simple query – for
example, a single table with no indexes and with no aggregates or calculations
within the query – then rather than spend time trying to calculate the absolute
optimal plan, the optimizer will simply apply a single, trivial plan to these types of queries.
If the query is non-trivial, the optimizer
will perform a cost-based calculation to select a plan. In order to do this, it
relies on statistics
that are maintained by SQL Server.
Statistics are collected on columns and
indexes within the database, and describe the data distribution and the
uniqueness, or selectivity of the data. The information that makes up statistics
is represented by a histogram,
a tabulation of counts of the occurrence of a particular value, taken from 200
data points evenly distributed across the data. It's this "data about the
data" that provides the information necessary for the optimizer to make
its calculations.
If statistics exist for a relevant column or
index, then the optimizer will use them in its calculations. Statistics, by
default, are created and updated automatically within the system for all
indexes or for any column used as a predicate, as part of a WHERE clause or JOIN ON clause. Table
variables do not ever have statistics generated on them, so they are always
assumed by the optimizer to have a single row, regardless of their actual size.
Temporary tables do have statistics generated on them and are stored in the
same histogram as permanent tables, for use within the optimizer.
The optimizer takes these statistics, along
with the query processor tree ,and heuristically determines the best plan.
This means that it works through a series of plans, testing different types of
join, rearranging the join order, trying different indexes, and so on, until it
arrives at what it thinks will be the fastest plan. During these calculations,
a number is assigned to each of the steps within the plan, representing the
optimizer's estimation of the amount of time it thinks that step will take.
This shows what is called the estimated cost for that step. The
accumulation of costs for each step is the cost for the execution plan itself.
It's important to note that the estimated cost
is just that – an estimate. Given an infinite amount of time and complete,
up-to-date statistics, the optimizer would find the perfect plan for executing
the query. However, it attempts to calculate the best plan it can in the least
amount of time possible, and is obviously limited by the quality of the
statistics it has available. Therefore these cost estimations are very useful
as measures, but may not precisely reflect reality.
Once the optimizer arrives at an execution
plan, the actual plan is created and stored in a memory space known as the plan cache – unless an identical plan already exists in the cache (more on
this shortly, in the section on Execution Plan Reuse). As the
optimizer generates potential plans, it compares them to previously generated
plans in the cache. If it finds a match, it will use that plan
Query Execution
Once the execution plan is generated, the
action switches to the storage engine, where the query is actually executed,
according to the plan.
We will not go into detail here, except to
note that the carefully generated execution may be subject to change
during the actual execution process. For example, this might happen if:
A determination is
made that the plan exceeds the threshold for a parallel execution (an execution
that takes advantage of multiple processors on the machine – more on parallel
execution in the book).
The statistics used to
generate the plan were out of date, or have changed since the original
execution plan was created by the optimizer.
The results of the query are returned to you
after the relational engine changes the format to match that requested in your
T-SQL statement, assuming it was a SELECT.
Estimated and Actual Execution Plans
As discussed previously, there are two
distinct types of execution plan. First, there is the plan that represents the
output from the optimizer. This is known as an Estimated execution
plan. The operators, or
steps, within the plan will be labeled as logical, because they're
representative of the optimizer's view of the plan.
Next is the plan that represents the output
from the actual query execution. This type of plan is known, funnily enough, as
the Actual execution plan. It shows what actually happened when the query executed.
Execution Plan Reuse
It is expensive for the Server to generate
execution plans so SQL Server will keep and reuse plans wherever possible. As
they are created, plans are stored in a section of memory called the plan cache)
When a query is submitted to the server, an estimated
execution plan is created by the optimizer. Once that plan is created, and
before it gets passed to the storage engine, the optimizer compares this
estimated plan to actual execution plans that already exist in the plan
cache . If an actual plan is found that matches the estimated one, then the
optimizer will reuse the existing plan, since it's already been used before by
the query engine. This reuse avoids the overhead of creating actual execution
plans for large and complex queries or even simple plans for small queries
called thousands of times in a minute.
Each plan is stored once, unless the cost of
the plan lets the optimizer know that a parallel execution might result in
better performance (more on parallelism in Chapter 8). If the optimizer sees
parallelism as an option, then a second plan is created and stored with a
different set of operations to support parallelism. In this instance, one query
gets two plans.
Execution plans are not kept in memory
forever. They are slowly aged out of the system using an "age"
formula that multiplies the estimated cost of the plan by the number of times
it has been used (e.g. a plan with a cost of 10 that has been referenced 5 times
has an "age" value f of 50). The lazywriter process, an internal
process that works to free all types of cache (including plan cache ),
periodically scans the objects in the cache and decreases this value by one
each time.
If the following criteria are met, the plan is
removed from memory:
More memory is
required by the system
The "age" of
the plan has reached zero
The plan isn't
currently being referenced by an existing connection
Execution plans are not sacrosanct. Certain
events and actions can cause a plan to be recompiled. It is important to
remember this because recompiling execution plans can be a very expensive
operation. The following actions can lead to recompilation of an execution
Changing the structure
or schema of a table referenced by the query
Changing an index used
by the query
Dropping an index used
by the query
Updating the
statistics used by the query
Calling the function, sp_recompile
· Subjecting the keys in
tables referenced by the query to a large number of inserts or deletes
· For tables with
triggers, significant growth of the inserted or deleted tables
· Mixing DDL and DML
within a single query, often called a deferred compile
Changing the SET options within the execution of the query
· Changing the structure
or schema of temporary tables used by the query
· Changes to dynamic
views used by the query
· Changes to cursor
options within the query
· Changes to a remote
rowset, like in a distributed partitioned view
· When using client side
cursors, if the FOR BROWSE
options are changed
Since the cache plays such an important role
in how execution plans operate, you need a few tools for querying and working
with the plan cache . First off, while testing, you may want to see how long a
plan takes to compile, or to investigate how minor adjustments might create
slightly different plans. To completely clear the cache, run this:
You're going to want to see the objects within
the cache in order to see how the optimizer and storage engine created your
plan. With dynamic management views and dynamic management functions, we can
easily put together a query to get a very complete set of information about the
execution plans on our system:
SELECT [cp].[refcounts]
, [cp].[usecounts]
, [cp].[objtype]
, [st].[dbid]
, [st].[objectid]
, [st].[text]
, [qp].[query_plan]
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans
sys.dm_exec_sql_text ( cp.plan_handle ) st
sys.dm_exec_query_plan ( cp.plan_handle ) qp ;
With this query we can see the SQL called and
the XML plan generated by the execution of that SQL. You can use the XML
directly or open it as a graphical execution plan.
Why the Actual and Estimated Execution Plans Might Differ
Generally, you probably won't see any
differences between your estimated and actual execution plans. However, circumstances
can arise that can cause differences between the estimated and actual
execution plans.
When Statistics are Stale
The main cause of a difference between the
plans is differences between the statistics and the actual data. This
generally occurs over time as data is added and deleted. This causes the key
values that define the index to change, or their distribution (how many of what
type) to change. The automatic update of statistics that occurs, assuming it's
turned on, only samples a subset of the data in order to reduce the cost of the
operation. This means that, over time, the statistics become a less-and-less accurate
reflection of the actual data. Not only can this cause differences between
the plans, but you can get bad execution plans because the statistical data is
not up to date. [2]
When the Estimated Plan is Invalid
In some instances, the estimated plan won't
work at all. For example, try generating an estimated plan for this simple bit
of code:
Id INT IDENTITY (1 , 1 )
,Dsc NVARCHAR (50 )
INSERT INTO TempTable ( Dsc )
FROM [Sales] .[Store] ;
FROM TempTable ;
DROP TABLE TempTable ;
You will get this error:
Msg 208, Level 16, State
1, Line 7
Invalid object name
The optimizer, which is what is used to
generate Estimated Execution plans, doesn't execute T-SQL. It does run the
statements through the algebrizer , the process outlined earlier that is
responsible for verifying the names of database objects. Since the query has
not yet been executed, the temporary table does not yet exist. This is the
cause of the error. Running this same bit of code through the Actual execution
plan will work perfectly fine.
When Parallelism is Requested
When a plan meets the threshold for
parallelism (more about this in Chapter 8) two plans are created. Which plan is
actually executed is up to the query engine. So you might see a plan with, or
without, parallel operators in the estimated execution plan. When the query
actually executes, you may see a completely different plan if the query engine
determines that it either can't support a parallel query at that time or that a
parallel query is called for.
Execution Plan Formats
SQL Server offers only one type of execution
plan (be it estimated or actual), but three different formats in which to view
that execution plan.
Graphical Plans
Text Plans
XML Plans
The one you choose will depend on the level of
detail you want to see, and on the individual DBA's preferences and methods.
Graphical Plans
These are quick and easy to read but the
detailed data for the plan is masked. Both Estimated and Actual execution plans
can be viewed in graphical format.
Text Plans
These are a bit harder to read, but more
information is immediately available. There are three text plan formats:
a reasonably complete set of data showing the Estimated execution plan for the
: provides a very limited set of data for use with tools like osql.exe. It too only shows the Estimated execution
it represents the data for the Actual execution plan
XML Plans
XML plans present the most complete set of
data available on a plan, all on display in the structured XML format. There are
two varieties of XML plan:
The plan generated by the optimizer prior to execution.
STATISTICS_XML : The XML format of the Actual execution plan.
Getting Started
Execution plans are there to assist you in
writing efficient T-SQL code, troubleshooting existing T-SQL behavior or
monitoring and reporting on your systems. How you use them and view them is up
to you, but first you need to understand the information contained within the
plans and how to interpret it. One of the best ways to learn about execution
plans is to see them in action, so let's get started.
Please note that occasionally, especially when
we move on to more complex plans, the plan that you see may differ slightly
from the one presented in the book. This might be because we are using
different versions of SQL Server (different SP levels and hot fixes), that we
are using slightly different versions of the AdventureWorks database, or
because of how the AdventureWorks database has been altered over time as each
of us has played around in it. So while most of the plans you get should be
very similar to what we display here, don't be too surprised if you try the
code and see something different.
Sample Code
Throughout the following text, I'll be
supplying T-SQL code that you're encouraged to run for yourself. All of the
source code is freely downloadable from the Simple Talk Publishingwebsite (http://www.simpletalkpublishing.com).
The examples are written for SQL 2005 sample
database, Adventureworks. You can get hold of get a copy of Adventureworks from here:
If you are working with procedures and scripts
other than those supplied, please remember that encrypted procedures will not
display an execution plan.
The plans you see may not precisely reflect
the plans generated for the book. Depending on how old a given copy of
AdventureWorks may be, the statistics could be different, the indexes may be
different, the structure and data may be different. So please be aware that you
won't always see the same thing if you run the examples.
The initial execution plans will be simple and
easy to read from the samples presented in the text. As the queries and plans
become more complicated, the book will describe the situation but, in order to
easily see the graphical execution plans or the complete set of XML, it will be
necessary to generate the plans. So, please, read next to your machine, so that
you can try running each query yourself!
Permissions Required to View Execution Plans
In order to see the execution plans for the
following queries you must have the correct permissions within the database.
Once that's set, assuming you're not sysadmin, dbcreator or
db_owner, you'll need to be granted the ShowPlan permission within the database being tested.
Further, you'll need this permission on each database referenced by the queries
for which you hope to generate a plan. Run the statement:
Substituting the user name will enable
execution plans for that user on that database.
Working with Graphical Execution Plans
In order to focus on the basics of capturing
Estimated and Actual execution plans, the first query will be one of the
simplest possible queries, and we'll build from there. Open up Management
Studio, and type the following into the query window:
Getting the Estimated Plan
We'll start by viewing the graphical estimated execution
plan that is generated by
the query optimizer, so there's no need to actually run the query yet.
We can find out what the optimizer estimates
to be the least costly plan in one of following ways:
Click on the
"Display Estimated Execution Plan icon on the tool bar.
Right-click the query
window and select the same option from the menu.
Click on the Query
option in the menu bar and select the same choice.
Simply hit CTRL-L on
the keyboard.
I tend to click the icon more often than not
but, either way, we see our very first Estimated execution plan, as in Figure 1.
Figure 1
We'll explain what this plan means shortly,
but first, let's capture the Actual execution plan.
Getting the Actual Plan
Actual execution plans, unlike Estimated
execution plans, do not represent the calculations of the optimizer. Instead
this execution plan shows what happened when the query was executed. The two
will often be identical but will sometimes differ, due to changes to the
execution plan made by the storage engine.
Again, there are several ways to generate our
first graphical Actual Execution Plan :
Click on the icon on
the tool bar called "Include Actual Execution Plan
Right-click within the
query window and choose the "Include Actual Execution Plan menu item.
Choose the same option
in the Query menu choice.
Type Control-M.
Each of these methods functions as an
"on" switch and an execution plan will be created for all queries run
from that query window until you turn it off again.
So, activate execution plans by your preferred
method and execute the query. You should see an execution plan like the one in
Figure 2.
In this simple case the Actual plan is
identical to the Estimated plan.
Interpreting Graphical Execution Plan
The icons you see in Figures 1 and 2 are the
first two of approximately 78 operators that represent various actions and
decisions that potentially make up an execution plan. On the left is the
SELECT icon, an icon that you'll see quite a lot of and that you can usually
completely ignore. It's the final result and formatting from the relational
engine. The icon on the right represents a table scan [3].
This is the first, and one of the easiest, icons to look for when trying to
track down performance problems.
Usually, you read a graphical execution plan
from right to left and top to bottom. You'll also note that there is an arrow
pointing between the two icons. This arrow represents the data being passed
between the operators, as represented by the icons. So, in this case, we simply
have a table scan operator producing the result set (represented by the Select
operator). The thickness of the arrow reflects the amount of data being passed,
thicker meaning more rows. This is another visual clue as to where performance
issues may lie. You can hover with the mouse pointer over these arrows and it
will show the number of rows that it represents. For example, if your query
returns two rows, but the execution plan shows a big thick arrow indicating
many rows being processed, then that's something to possibly investigate.
Below each icon is displayed a number as a
percentage. This number represents the relative cost to the query for that
operator. That cost, returned from the optimizer, is the estimated execution
time for that operation. In our case, all the cost is associated with the table
scan. While a cost may be represented as 0% or 100%, remember that, as these
are ratios, not actual numbers, even a 0% operator will have a small cost
associated with it.
Above the icons is displayed as much of the
query string as will fit and a "cost (relative to batch)" of 100%.
Just as each query can have multiple steps, and each of those steps will have a
cost relative to the query, you can also run multiple queries within a batch and
get execution plans for them. They will then show up as different costs as a
part of the whole.
Each of the icons and the arrows has,
associated with it, a pop-up window called a ToolTip, which you can access by hovering your mouse pointer over the
Pull up the Estimated execution plan, hover
over the SELECT operator, and you
should see the ToolTip window shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Here we get the numbers generated by the
optimizer on the following:
· Cached plan size – how much memory the plan generated by this query will take up
in stored procedure cache. This is a useful number when investigating cache
performance issues because you'll be able to see which plans are taking up more
· Estimated Operator Cost– we've already seen this as the percentage cost in Figure1.
· Estimated Subtree Cost– tells us the accumulated optimizer cost assigned to this step
and all previous steps, but remember to read from right to left. This number is
meaningless in the real world, but is a mathematical evaluation used by the
query optimizer to determine the cost of the operator in question; it
represents the amount of time that the optimizer thinks this operator will
· Estimated number of rows– calculated based on the statistics available to the optimizer
for the table or index in question.
Below this information, we see the statement
that represents the entire query that we're processing. If we look at the
ToolTip information for the Table Scan we see the information in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Each of the different operators will have a
distinct set of data. The operator in Figure 4 is performing work of a
different nature than that in Figure 3, and so we get a different set of
details. First, the Physical and Logical Operations are listed. The logical
operators are the results of the optimizer's calculations for what should
happen when the query executes. The physical operators represent what actually
occurred. The logical and physical operators are usually the same, but not
always – more on that in the book.
After that, we see the estimated costs for
I/O, CPU, Operator and Subtree. The Subtree is simply the section of the
execution tree that we have looked at so far, working right to left again, and
top to bottom. All estimations are based on the statistics available on the
columns and indexes in any table.
The I/O Cost and CPU cost are not actual
operators, but rather the cost numbers assigned by the Query Optimizer during
its calculations. These numbers are useful when determining whether most of the
cost is I/O-based (as in this case), or if we're putting a load on the CPU. A
bigger number means more processing in this area. Again, these are not hard and
absolute numbers, but rather pointers that help to suggest where the actual
cost in a given operation may lie.
You'll note that, in this case, the operator
cost and the subtree cost are the same, since the table scan is the only
operator. For more complex trees, with more operators, you'll see that the cost
accumulates as the individual cost for each operator is added to the total. You
get the full cost of the plan from the final operation in the query plan, in
this case the Select operator.
Again we see the estimated number of rows.
This is displayed for each operation because each operation is dealing with
different sets of data. When we get to more complicated execution plans, you'll
see the number of rows change as various operators perform their work on the
data as it passes between each operator. Knowing how the rows are added or
filtered out by each operator helps you understand how the query is being performed
within the execution process.
Another important piece of information, when
attempting to troubleshoot performance issues, is the Boolean value displayed
for Ordered. This tells you
whether or not the data that this operator is working with is in an ordered
state. Certain operations, for example, an ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement, may
require data to be placed in a particular order, sorted by a particular value
or set of values. Knowing whether or not the data is in an Ordered state helps show where extra processing may
be occurring to get the data into that state.
Finally, Node ID is the ordinal, which simply means numbered in order, of the
node itself, interestingly enough numbered left to right, despite the fact that
the operations are best read right to left.
All these details are available to help you
understand what's happening within the query in question. You'll be able to
walk through the various operators, observing how the subtree cost accumulates,
how the number of rows changes, and so on. With these details you'll be able to
identify processes that are using excessive amounts of CPU or tables that need
more indexes, or indexes that are not used, and so on.
Operator Properties
More information is available than that
presented in the ToolTips. Right-click any icon within a graphical execution
plan and select the "Properties" menu item to get a detailed list of
information about that operation. Figure 5 shows the details from the original
table scan.
Figure 5
Most of this information should be familiar,
but some of it is new. Starting from the top, Defined Valuesdisplays the information that this operation
adds to the process. These can be a part of the basic query, in this case the
columns being selected, or they can be internally created values as part of the
query processing, such as a flag used to determine referential integrity, or a
placeholder for counts for aggregate functions.
Under the Defined Valueswe get a description of the operation and then
some familiar Estimated Cost data. After that we see:
· Estimated Rebinds and Rewinds,
values which describe the number of times an Init() operator is called in the plan.
· The Forced Index value would be True when a query hint is used to put a specific
index to use within a query. SQL Server supplies the functionality in query
hints as a way to give you some control over how a query is executed. Query
hints are covered in detail in the book
· NoExpandHint
this is roughly the same concept as Forced Index, but applied to indexed views.
By expanding the Object property, you can see details on the object
in question. The Output List
property provides details of each of the output columns. You'll also find out
whether or not this operator is taking part in a parallel operation, (when
multiple CPUs are used by one operator).
Working with Text Execution Plan
The graphical execution plans are very useful
because they're so easy to read. However, a lot of the data about the operators
is not immediately visible to you. Some can be seen in a limited form in the
ToolTip windows, and the complete set is available in the Properties window.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to see all that information at once?
In the case of really large queries with
incredibly complex plans or large number of batch statements, wouldn't it be
handy to be able to search through for particular bits of information, table
scans or the highest operator cost or something? Well, you can. Two methods
exist: Text Execution Plan .
Microsoft is planning on deprecating Text
Execution Plan , so we'll cover them in relatively little detail.
Getting the Estimated Text Plan
To activate the text version of the Estimated
text execution plan, simply issue the following command at the start of the
It's important to remember that, with
SHOWPLAN_ALL set to ON, execution information is collected for all subsequent
T-SQL statements, but those statements are not actually executed. Hence, we get
the estimated plan. It's very important to remember to turn SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF after you have captured the information you
require. If you forget, and submit a CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE statement with SHOWPLAN_ALL turned on, then those statements won't
be executed, and a table you might expect to exist, for example, will not.
To turn SHOWPLAN_ALLoff, simply issue:
We can also use the equivalent commands for SHOWPLAN_TEXT. The text-only show plan is meant for use
with tools like osql.exe,
where the result sets can be readily parsed and stored by a tool dealing with
text values, as opposed to actual result sets, as the SHOWPLAN_ALL function does.
We focus only on SHOWPLAN_ALLhere.
Getting the Actual Text Plan
In order to activate and deactivate the text
version of the Actual execution plan, use:
Interpreting Text Plan
We'll stick with the same basic query we used
when discussing graphical plans, so execute the following:
FROM [dbo].[DatabaseLog] ;
When you execute this query, the estimated
plan is shown in the results pane. Here is the first column of the results:
Figure 6
This screen shot was trimmed to keep the text
as readable as possible. The text plan generated roughly parallels the
graphical plan. The first row is the SELECT statement that was submitted. The rows following are the
physical operations occurring within the query plan. In or case that means one
row i.e. the table scan.
As we progress and view more complex text
plans, in the book, you'll quickly realize that they are not as readily
readable as the graphical plan. There's also no easy route through the query,
such as we have with the "read it right to left" approach in the
graphical plans. You start in the middle and move outwards, helped by the
indentation of the data and the use of pipe ( | ) to connect the statements
parent to child.
In addition to the first column, the details
that were hidden in the ToolTip or in the Properties window are displayed in a
series of columns. Most of the information that you're used to seeing is here,
plus a little more. So, while the NodeId was available in the graphical plan, because of the nature of
the graphical plan, nothing was required to identify the parent of a given
node. In the SHOWPLAN_ALL
we get a column showing the Parent NodeId. As you scan
right you'll see many other familiar columns, such as the TotalSubTreeCost, EstimateRows
and so on. Some of the columns are hard to read, such as the Defined List (the
values or columns introduced by this operation to the data stream), which is
displayed as just a comma-separated list .
Working with XML Execution Plans
XML Plans are the new and recommended way of
displaying the execution plans in SQL Server 2005. They offer functionality not
previously available.
Getting the Actual and Estimated XML Plan
In order to activate and deactivate the XML
version of the Estimated execution plan, use:
As for SHOWPLAN_ALLcommand is essentially an instruction not to execute any T-SQL
statements that follow, but instead to collect execution plan information for
those statements, in the form of an XML document. Again, it's important to turn
SHOWPLAN_XML off as soon as you have finished collecting plan information, so
that subsequent T-SQL execute as intended.
For the XML version of the Actual plan, use:
Interpreting XML Plan
Once again, let's look at the same execution
plan as we evaluated with the text plan.
FROM [dbo] .[DatabaseLog] ;
The result, in the default grid mode, is shown
in figure 7:
Figure 7
The link is a pointer to an XML file located
\Microsoft SQL
Clicking on this link opens the execution plan
in XML format in a browser window within the SQL Server Management Studio
(SSMS). You can view the output in text, grid or file (default is grid). You
can change the output format from the Query | Results Tomenu
A lot of information is put at your fingertips
with XML plans – much of which we won't encounter here with our simple example,
but will get to in later, more complex plans. Nevertheless, even this simple
plan will give you a good feel for the XML format.
The results, even for our simple query, are
too large to output here. I'll go over them by reviewing various elements and
attributes. The full schema is available here:
Listed first are the BatchSequence , Batch
and Statements
elements. In this example, we're only looking at a single Batch and a single
Statement, so nothing else is displayed. Next, like all the other execution
plans we've reviewed so far, we see the query in question as part of the StmtSimple element. Within that, we receive a list of
attributes of the statement itself, and some physical attributes of the QueryPlan:
< StmtSimpleStatementText="SELECT * 
" StatementId="1" StatementCompId="1" StatementType="SELECT" StatementSubTreeCost="0.108154" StatementEstRows="389" StatementOptmLevel="TRIVIAL">
< StatementSetOptions
< QueryPlan CachedPlanSize="9">
Clearly a lot more information is on immediate
display than was provided for SHOWPLAN_ALL. Notice that the optimizer has chosen a trivial execution plan,
as we might expect. Information such as the CachedPlanSize will help you to determine if, for example, your query exceeds
one page in length, and gets sent into the LeaveBehind memory space.
After that, we have the RelOp element, which provides the information we're
familiar with, regarding a particular operation, in this case the table scan.
< RelOp NodeId="0" PhysicalOp="Table Scan" LogicalOp="Table Scan" EstimateRows="389" EstimateIO="0.107569" EstimateCPU="0.0005849" AvgRowSize="8569" EstimatedTotalSubtreeCost="0.108154" Parallel="0" EstimateRebinds="0" EstimateRewinds="0">
Not only is there more information than in the
text plans, but it's also much more readily available and easier to read than
in either the text plans or the graphical plans (although the flow through the
graphical plans is much easier to read). For example, a problematic column,
like the Defined List mentioned earlier, that is difficult to read, becomes the
OutputList element with a list of ColumnReference elements, each containing a set of attributes
to describe that column:
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
</ OutputList>
This makes XML not only easier to read, but
much more readily translated directly back to the original query.
Back to the plan, after RelOpelement referenced above we have the table
scan element:
< TableScan Ordered="0" ForcedIndex="0" NoExpandHint="0">
Followed by a list of defined values that lays
out the columns referenced by the operation:
< DefinedValues>
< DefinedValue>
< ColumnReference Database="[AdventureWorks]"
</ DefinedValue>
< DefinedValue>
…<output cropped>……..
Saving XML Plans as Graphical Plan
You can save the execution plan without
opening it by right-clicking within the results and selecting "Save
As." You then have to change the filter to "*.*" and when you
type the name of the file you want to save add the extension
".sqlplan." This is how the Books Online recommends saving an XML
execution plan. In fact, what you get when you save it this way is actually a graphical execution
plan file. This can
actually be a very useful feature. For example, you might collect multiple
plans in XML format, save them to file and then open them in easy-to-view (and
compare) graphical format.
One of the benefits of extracting an XML plan
and saving it as a separate file is that you can share it with others. For
example, you can send the XML plan of a slow-running query to a DBA friend and
ask them their opinion on how to rewrite the query. Once the friend receives
the XML plan, they can open it up in Management Studio and review it as a
graphical execution plan.
In order to actually save an XML plan as XML,
you need to first open the results into the XML window. If you attempt to save
to XML directly from the result window you only get what is on display in the
result window. Another option is to go to the place where the plan is stored,
as defined above, and copy it.
Automating Plan Capture Using SQL Server
During development you will capture execution
plans for targeted T-SQL statements, using one of the techniques described in
this chapter. You will activate execution plan capture, run the query in
question, and then disable it again.
However, if you are troubleshooting on a test
or live production server, the situation is different. A production system may
be subject to tens or hundreds of sessions executing tens or hundreds or
queries, each with varying parameter sets and varying plans. In this situation
we need a way to automate plan capture so that we can collect a large number of
plans simultaneously. In SQL Server 2005 you can use Profiler to capture XML
execution plans, as the queries are executing. You can then examine the
collected plans, looking for the queries with the highest costs, or simply
searching the plans to find, for example, Table Scan operations that you'd like
to eliminate.
SQL Server 2005 Profiler is a powerful tool
that allows you to capture data about events, such as the execution of T-SQL or
a stored procedure, occurring within SQL Server. Profiler events can be tracked
manually, through a GUI interface, or traces can be defined through T-SQL (or
the GUI) and automated to run at certain times and for certain periods.
These traces can be viewed on the screen or
sent to or to a file or a table in a database. [4]
Execution Plan events
The various trace events that will generate an
execution plan are as follow:
Showplan Text
: This event fires with each execution of a query and will generate the same
type of estimated plan as the SHOWPLAN_TEXT T-SQL statement. Showplan Text will work on
SQL 2005 databases, but it only shows a subset of the information available to
ShowPlan XML. We've already discussed the shortcomings of the text execution
plans, and this is on the list for deprecation in the future.
· Showplan Text (unencoded) : Same as above, but it shows the information as a string
instead of binary. This is also on the list for deprecation in the future.
· Showplan All
: This event fires as each query executes and will generate the same type of
estimated execution plan as the SHOWPLAN_ALL TSQL statement. This has the same shortcomings as Showplan
Text, and is on the list for future deprecation.
· Showplan All for Query Compile : This event generates the same data as the Showplan All event,
but it only fires when a query compile event occurs. This is also on the list
for deprecation in the future.
· Showplan Statistics Profile : This event generates the actual execution plan in the same
way as the TSQL command STATISTICS PROFILE. It still has all the shortcomings of the text output,
including only supplying a subset of the data available to STATISTICS XML in TSQL or the Showplan XML
Statistics Profile event in SQL Server
Profiler . The Showplan Statistics Profile event is on the list for deprecation.
· Showplan XML
: The event fires with each execution of a query and generates an estimated
execution plan in the same way as SHOWPLAN_XML.
· Showplan XML For Query Compile : Like Showplan XML above, but it only fires on a compile of a
given query.
· Performance Statistics : Similar to the Showplan XML For Query Compile event, except
this event captures performance metrics for the query as well as the plan. This
only captures XML output for certain event subclasses, defined with the event.
It fires the first time a plan is cached, compiled, recompiled or removed from
Showplan XML Statistics Profile : This event will generate the actual
execution plan for each query, as it runs.
Capturing all of the execution plans, using
Showplan XML or Showplan XML Statistics Profile, inherently places a sizeable
load on the server. These are not lightweight event capture scenarios. Even the
use of the less frequent Showplan XML for Query Compile will cause a small
performance hit. Use due diligence when running traces of this type against any
production machine.
Capturing a Showplan XML Trace
The SQL Server 2005 Profiler Showplan XML
event captures the XML execution plan used by the query optimizer to execute a
query. To capture a basic Profiler trace, showing estimated execution plans,
start up Profiler, create a new trace and connect to a server [5].
Switch to the "Events Selection" tab
and click on the "Show all events" check box. The Showplan XML event
is located within the Performance section, so click on the plus (+) sign to
expand that selection. Click on the Showplan XML event.
While you can capture the Showplan XML event
by itself in Profiler, it is generally more useful if you capture it along with
some other basic events, such as:
RPC: Completed
These extra events provide additional
information to help put the XML plan into context. For example, you can see
what occurred just before and after the event you are interested in.
Once Showplan XML is selected, or any of the
other XML events, a third tab appears called Events Extraction Settings. On this tab, you can choose to output the
XML as it's generated to a separate file, for later use. Not only can you
define the file, but also determine whether or not all the XML will go into a
single file or a series of files, unique to each execution plan.
Click on the "Run" button in order
to start the trace. When you capture the above events, you get a trace like the
one shown in Figure 10.
Notice that I have clicked on the Showplan XML
event. Under the TextDatacolumn,
you see the actual XML plan code. While you can't see all of it in the screen
shot above, it is all there and can be saved to an individual file. In the
second window, you can see the graphical execution plan, which is how most
people prefer to read and analyze execution plans. So, in effect, the Showplan
XML event available in Profiler not only shows you the XML plan code, but also
the graphical execution plan.
At this stage, you can also save the code for
this particular Showplan XML event to a separate file. Simply right-click on
the Showplan XML event you want to save, then select "Extract Event
This brings up a dialog box where you can
enter the path and filename of the XML code you want to store. Instead of
storing the XML code with the typical XML extension, the extension used is
.SQLPlan. By using this extension, when you double-click on the file from
within Windows Explorer, the XML code will open up in Management Studio in the
form of a graphical execution plan.
Whether capturing Estimated execution plans or
Actual execution plans, the Trace events operate in the same manner as when you
run the T-SQL statements through the query window within Management Studio. The
main difference is that this is automated across a large number of queries,
from ad-hoc to stored procedures, running against the server.
In this article we've approached how the
optimizer and the storage engine work together to bring data back to your
query. These operations are expressed in the estimated execution plan and the
actual execution plan. You were given a number of options for obtaining either
of these plans, graphically, output as text, or as XML. Either the graphical
plans or the XML plans will give you all the data you need, but it's going to
be up to you to decide which to use and when based on the needs you're
addressing and how you hope to address them.
A T-SQL Query can be an ad hoc query from a command line or a call to request
data from a stored procedure, any T-SQL within a single batch or a stored
procedure, or between "GO" statements.
[2] An example demonstrating how a drastic
change in the data can affect the execution plan is given in the Statistics and
Indexes section of Chapter 4.
A table
scan occurs when the
storage engine is forced to walk through the table, row by row, either
returning everything, as in our case, because we're not using a WHERE clause and we're not hitting a covering index
(an index that includes all the columns referred to in the query for a given
table), or searching everything to identify the appropriate rows to return to
the user. As you might imagine, as the number of rows in the table grows, this
operation gets more and more expensive.
detailed coverage of Profiler is out of scope for this book, but more
information can be found in Books Online
By default, only an SA, or a member of the SYSADMIN group can create and run a
Profiler trace – or a use who has been granted the ALTER TRACE permission.Bottom of Form
Article Reference : Grant Fritchy's "Execution Plan Basics"(www.simple-talk.com).