It may required to get a CSV string and Count of Items which included in the string. In this case, all the columns will be queried normally and the CSV column will be made through a subquery.
Take an example of a table UserMaster as below :
CREATE TABLE UserMaster(UserID VARCHAR(20),JoiningMonth INT,JoiningYear INT)---- Insert data in UserMasterINSERT INTO UserMasterSELECT 'U001',10,2011UNIONSELECT 'U002',10,2011UNIONSELECT 'U003',5,2012UNIONSELECT 'U004',5,2012UNIONSELECT 'U005',5,2012UNIONSELECT 'U006',6,2012UNIONSELECT 'U007',6,2012UNIONSELECT 'U008',6,2012UNIONSELECT 'U009',6,2012
Now we like to get CSV string of UserID, with its counts Grouping by JoiningMonth and JoiningYear.
To get the task done, write as below :
SELECT COUNT(1) AS COUNTS,JoiningMonth,JoiningYear,STUFF((SELECT ','+''''+CAST(UserID AS VARCHAR(MAX))+''''FROM UserMaster T (NOLOCK)WHERE T.JoiningMonth = S.JoiningMonthAND T.JoiningYear = S.JoiningYearFOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS CSVFROM UserMaster S (NOLOCK)GROUP BY JoiningMonth,JoiningYear---- Output is :COUNTS JoiningMonth JoiningYear CSV2 10 2011 'U001','U002'3 5 2012 'U003','U004','U005'4 6 2012 'U006','U007','U008','U009'
Reference: Govind Badkur(
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